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Bumblebee Malware Analysis - Part 1 - Bumblebee Dropper

We have to see basic details to determine further details, we check DIE and see this executable's type is DLL and ...

5 minute read

About Command and Control Server (C2)

Command and control servers are the primary tools cyber threat actors have in their arsenal to launch and control cyb...

2 minute read

Rangoon CTF Write-up (Reverse Engineering)

cmp checks if edi == 1 or edi != 1 and sets ZF (zero flag). We know that argc (argument counter) is stored in edi...

4 minute read

Ramada CTF Write-up (Reverse Engineering)

The program check argc value and jumps another branch. If argc value is equal to 1, program prints insturactions; if ...

3 minute read

Pwn101 - TryHackMe CTF Write-up

This medium level CTF covers buffer overflow, Return to Win, Integer Overflow, GOT overwrite, bypassing mitigations...

15 minute read

Dear QA - TryHackMe CTF Write-up

We try buffer overflow directly, because why not? After checksec we can decide our attacking vector....

1 minute read

Buffer Overflow Protection - Stack Canary

Stack canaries or security cookies are randomly assigned or tell-tale parts added to binary. It aims to protect from ...

4 minute read

Pickle Rick - TryHackMe CTF Writeup

Check ports with nmap. We found http and ssh port in target server; http port exist so there should be a website...

1 minute read